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Our Story

Hunter Lamb began in 1985 with the introduction of our Dorset flock. Both Hunter Farms remain closed facilities where no sheep are brought in from outside sources. This allows us to protect the flocks from disease and harmful organisms.


We have grown in size and have expanded our operations to Central Iowa to better serve our customers. With a 500 head ewe flock goal we are able to serve a variety of customers with a large number of stock available. 


Kyle Hunter Dorsets are easy lambing and low maintenance ewes. We have true Dorset type; heavy-muscled stock that also has good frame size. Our ewes are prolific, heavy milkers which produce fast gaining lambs.


ACCELERATED LAMBING GENETICS —Rams and ewe lambs available out of accelerated lambing ewes. We lamb 3 times per year at 7-8 month intervals. Our ewes will breed any season of the year!


Hunter lamb is unlike any other with a mild flavor that truly is unique and well liked. Our lamb is produced from family farms who have Hunter Dorset Rams and Ewe Lambs to create a consistent lamb product. With our unique grower program we offer Hunter Lamb across the U.S. and can guarantee the lamb you purchase is the same from state to state. 


We thank you for your support of family farming and American Lamb. Our hope is to bring you and yours to the table with a great product that we truly hope you enjoy.     


 Kyle Hunter & Family

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